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Peer-reviewed work

1.     Kimmel, GJ., Beck, RJ., Xiaoqing, Y., Veith, T., Bakhoum, S., Altrock, PM., Andor, NIntra-tumor heterogeneity, turnover rate and karyotype space shape susceptibility to missegregation-induced extinctiony. PLOS. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010815 (2023).


2.     Andor, N., Altrock, PM., Jain, N., Gomes, AP. Tipping cancer cells over the edge: the context-dependent cost of high ploidy. Cancer Research. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-21-2794 (2021).

3.     Kimmel, GJ, Dane, M, Heiser, LM, Altrock, PM, Andor, N. Integrating mathematical modeling with high throughput imaging explains how polyploid populations behave in nutrient-sparse environments. Cancer Research. PMID: 32938640 (2020).

4.     Andor, N., Lau, B., Catalanotti, C., Sathe, A., Kubit, M., Chen, J., et al. Joint single cell DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq of gastric cancer cell lines reveals rules of in vitro evolution. Nucleic Acids Research Genomics and Bioinformatics. doi: (2020).

5.    Catalan, V.B., Kuo, C., Rajapaksa, R., Duault, C., Andor, N., Czerwinski, D., Levy, R., Levy, S. CD81 is a novel immunotherapeutic target for B cell lymphoma. JEM (2019).

6.    Chen, J., Lau, B., Andor, N., Grimes, S., Handy, C., Wood Bouwens, C., Ji, HP. Single-cell transcriptome analysis identifies distinct cell types and niche signaling in a model of early gastric cancer development. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40809-x (2019).

7.    Andor, N.*, Simonds, E.*, Czerwinski, D., Chen, J., Grimes, S., Wood-Bouwens, C., Zheng, G., et al. Single-cell RNA-Seq of lymphoma cancers reveals a diverse landscape of malignant B cell types and co-expression of T cell immune checkpoints. Blood. doi: 10.1182/blood-2018-08-862292 (2019).

8.    Xia, LC., Ai, D., Lee, H., Andor, N., Li, C., Zhang, NR., Ji, HP. SVEngine: an efficient and versatile simulator of genome structural variations with features of cancer clonal evolution. Gigascience. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giy081 (2018).

9.    Lorber, T., Andor, N., Dietsche, T., Perrina, V., Juskevicius, D., Pereira, K., Greer, S. U., Krause, A., Mueller, D., Savic, S., Lardinois, D., Barrett, M.T., Ruiz, C., Bubendorf, L. Exploring the Spatiotemporal Genetic Heterogeneity in Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma using a nuclei flow-sorting approach. The Journal of Pathology. doi: 10.1002/path.5183 (2018).

10.    Daynac, M., Chouchane, M., Collins, H., Murphy, N., Andor, N., Niu, J., Fancy, S., Stallcup, W., Petritsch, C. Lgl1 controls NG2 endocytic pathway to regulate oligodendrocyte differentiation and asymmetric cell division and gliomagenesis. Nature Communications. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05099-3. NCOMMS-17-28094B (2018).

11.    Andor, N., Maley, C. C. & Ji, H. P. Genomic Instability in Cancer: Teetering on the Limit of Tolerance. Cancer Res. doi:10.1158/0008-5472. CAN-16-1553 (2017).

12.    Andor, N., Graham, T., Jansen, M., Xia, LC., Aktipis, CA., Petritsch, C., Ji, HP., Maley, CC. Pan-cancer analysis of the extent and consequences of intra-tumor heterogeneity. Nature Medicine., 22, 105–113 (2016). 

13.    Andor, N., Harness, J. V., Müller, S., Mewes, H. W. & Petritsch, C. EXPANDS: expanding ploidy and allele frequency on nested subpopulations. Bioinformatics. 30, 50–60 (2014).

14.    Hashizume, R., Andor, N., Ihara, Y., Lerner, R., James, C. D., et al. Pharmacologic inhibition of histone demethylation as a therapy for pediatric brainstem glioma. Nature Medicine. 10.1038/nm.3716 (2014).

15.    Sugiarto, S., Persson, A., Gonzalez-Munoz, E., Waldhuber, M., Lamagna, C., Andor, N, Hanecker, P., et al.  Asymmetry-defective oligodendrocyte progenitors are glioma precursors. Cancer Cell. (20), 328-340 (2011).


13.    Beck, R. J. & Andor, N. Local Adaptive Mapping of Karyotype Fitness Landscapes. 2023.07.14.549079 Preprint at (2023).

14.    Nowicka, Z.; Rentzeperis, F.; Beck, R.; Tagal, V.; Pinto, A. F.; Scanu, E.; Veith, T.; Cole, J.; Ilter, D.; Viqueira, W. D.; Teer, J. K.; Maksin, K.; Pasetto, S.; Abdalah, M. A.; Fiandaca, G.; Prabhakaran, S.; Schultz, A.; Ojwang, M.; Barnholtz-Sloan, J. S.; Farinhas, J. M.; Gomes, A. P.; Katira, P.; Andor, N. Interactions between Ploidy and Resource Availability Shape Clonal Interference at Initiation and Recurrence of Glioblastoma. bioRxiv October 20, 2023, p 2023.10.17.562670.

15.    Saeed Alahmari, Andrew Schultz, Jordan Albrecht, Vural Tagal, Zaid Siddiqui, Sandhya Prabhakaran, Issam El Naqa, Alexander Anderson, Laura Heiser, Andor, N. Cell identity revealed by precise cell cycle state mapping links data modalities. bioRxiv September 10, 2024, doi:

Selected press

Intratumour heterogeneity — a game of snakes and ladders. David Killock. Research Highlight Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. January 2016.

Cancer’s mutational sweet spot identified by Stanford researchers. Krista Conger. Scope. December 2015.

* Authors contributed equally
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